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Diarrhea: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, and Prevention Explained

Date:05 Apr 2024

First off, lets start with the symptoms of Diarrhea,


Apart from watery stools, diarrhea can also lead to symptoms like

-abdominal cramps




These can differ depending on the cause of diarrhea.


Diarrhea is usually self healing and doesn't last so long. However in some cases it can be chronic.


There are a number of causes of diarrhea in a country like India.

I have below mentions some of the most probable causes.

ยงย  Infections - these can be viral, bacterial, or parasitic infections. These infections can spread through contaminated food, water, or direct contact with an infected person.

ยงย  Food Poisoning by consuming contaminated or spoiled food.

ยงย  Some Medications, particularly antibiotics, can disrupt the balance of bacteria in the gut, leading to antibiotic-associated diarrhea. Certain laxatives and antacids can also cause diarrhea as a side effect.

ยงย  Allergens can also cause diarrhea, these are include dairy products, gluten, and nuts.

ยงย  Digestive Disorders like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and celiac disease can cause chronic diarrhea.

ยงย  High levels of stress or anxiety can affect the gut and lead to diarrhea referred to as "nervous diarrhea".

ยงย  Excessive consumption of caffeine, alcohol, or artificial sweeteners can sometimes lead to diarrhea. Additionally, some people may be sensitive to high-fiber foods, leading to loose stools.

ยงย  Traveler's Diarrhea due to different sanitation standards, exposure to unfamiliar bacteria or parasites found in food and water when travelling.

ยงย  Conditions such as diabetes, hyperthyroidism, and certain autoimmune diseases can affect the digestive system and lead to diarrhea.

ยงย  People with lactose intolerance lack the enzyme needed to digest lactose, a sugar found in dairy products.


ยงย  Dehydration is the most common and significant complication of diarrhea. Dehydration can be mild or severe and can result in symptoms like dry mouth, sunken eyes, dark urine, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, and confusion. Severe dehydration can be life-threatening, especially in infants, young children, and the elderly.

ยงย  An imbalance in electrolytes like potassium can lead to irregular heart rhythms and muscle weakness.

ยงย  Chronic diarrhea can hamper the body's ability to absorb nutrients. This can lead to malnutrition, weight loss, deficiencies in essential nutrients and eventually a weakened immune system.


Treatment depends on the cause of diarrhea. Acute diarrhea often resolves on its own, while chronic diarrhea may require more extensive evaluation and treatment. In cases of severe dehydration, hospitalization and intravenous (IV) fluids may be necessary.

Dietary Modifications

ยงย  During acute diarrhea, you can follow the BRAT diet, which includes bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. These foods are bland and less likely to irritate the stomach. You can also take foods such as khichdi during diarrhea and best to avoid spicy and fried oily foods.

ยงย  Stay away from foods and beverages that can worsen diarrhea, such as caffeine, alcohol, dairy products (if lactose intolerant), fatty foods, and high-fiber foods.


Depending on the cause of diarrhea, your healthcare provider may recommend medications:

ยงย  Antidiarrheal Medications like loperamide can help reduce diarrhea by slowing down bowel movements. However, these should not be used if you have a fever or blood in your stool, as they can make the underlying infection worse.

ยงย  Antibiotics may be prescribed by your doctor in case of bacterial infections are the cause. And anti-parasitic medications for parasitic infections.

ยงย  Medication adjustments need to be done if diarrhea is a side effect of a medication you're taking.

Also speak to your doctor if you are on medication for diabetes or hypertension; your medicines may need to be temporarily decreased.

Underlying Conditions

If chronic diarrhea is due to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), treatment will focus on managing the underlying condition. This may involve dietary changes, lifestyle modifications, and medications prescribed by a gastroenterologist.

Hygiene and Prevention

If diarrhea is caused by an infection, it's important to practice good hygiene to prevent its spread to others. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, and avoid preparing food for others until you are symptom-free.


Give your body time to recover. Resting can help reduce stress on your digestive system.


Here comes the part which is of most importance when we talk about diarrhoea. Prevention is always better than cure. Below are steps which we can take to prevent diarrhoea

ยงย  Wash your hands with soap and clean water before eating, after using the restroom, and after touching potentially contaminated surfaces.

ยงย  Be cautious about food preparation and consumption:

ยงย  ย Keep perishable foods refrigerated.

Avoid cross-contamination by using separate cutting boards and utensils for raw and cooked foods.

ยงย  Ensure that the water you drink and use for cooking or brushing teeth is safe or use bottled water. Avoid iced drinks.

ยงย  While traveling, stick to reputable restaurants and eateries.

ย ย  - Choose fully cooked and hot foods.

ย ย  - Avoid consuming raw fruits and vegetables that may have been washed with contaminated water.

ยงย  Vaccinations against cholera and typhoid can help prevent those diseases.

ยงย  When using public restrooms or travelling:

ย ย  - Use toilet seat covers or clean the seat before sitting down.

ย ย  - Carry hand sanitizer for situations where soap and water are not readily available.

ยงย  If you have known food allergies or intolerances, avoid trigger foods to prevent diarrhea.

ยงย  Practicing stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, exercise, and deep breathing can be helpful.

ยงย  Taking probiotic supplements can help maintain a healthy balance of gut bacteria and reduce the risk of diarrhea, especially when taking antibiotics.

Here we end this blog with plenty if information about diarrhoea. Always remember to contact your health care provider if any of the following occurs - Signs of blood in the stool,

Symptoms of weight loss, fevers, or night sweats and if diarrhoea occurs even without eating.

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